# CallingAllDoers # WeAreSXU


The 华人博彩论坛 (SXU) Office of Media 关系 publicizes institutional news and developments; faculty and student engagements and achievements; matters involving the president and administration; special accomplishments; programs; events and activities 以及其他与校园社区活动有关的华人博彩论坛.

This University-wide policy is designed to help enhance and protect the Saint Xavier 通过战略性媒体关系努力树立大学品牌和声誉. 为 purpose of this policy, news media shall refer to representatives of newspapers, magazines, 通讯、在线出版物、电视和广播.

If University faculty or staff members are interested in generating media coverage about a program, event or achievement, please contact the Office of Media 关系 at newsroomFREESXU. The Office of Media 关系 has access to local, regional and national news media contacts and will work with faculty and staff to coordinate publicity or visibility 对于节目,事件或有华人博彩论坛价值的问题. 优先项目包括那些促进 and connect the University, its mission and programs with media and other relevant 社区.

The Office of Media 关系 should be 不ified about 不eworthy or negative occurrences involving the University, its employees, students, alumni, parents or donors that 有可能上升到华人博彩论坛报道的水平吗.

The Office of Media 关系 frequently initiates and/or responds to news media requests. 只有校长或指定的人可以代表大学发言.

The University endorses the “1940 AAUP Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure” that states: “When faculty speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline but…should make every effort to indicate 他们不代表机构说话.“这适用于所有人 SXU员工. 员工——现任和前任,全职和兼职——都会发言 to the media should explain to the media that they do 不 speak for the University. While offering a disclaimer to media is 不 always possible, avoiding a proactive 代表大学发言是所有员工的强制性要求.

If an employee speaks to the news media, employees are encouraged to 不ify the Office of Media 关系 with the publication/station name, reporter’s name and contact information, and the nature of the interview/conversation to ensure we are able to 维护与媒体的关系,监督华人博彩论坛报道.

However, if you are contacted directly by the media and wish 不 to speak to them, 请将有关资料送交传媒关系科,网址为 newsroomFREESXU.%20

A University employee seeking guidance or interview training may contact the Office 传媒关系主任: newsroomFREESXU.%20

那些代表华人博彩论坛作为思想领袖参加的人 adhere to the SXU brand only and are 不 permitted to speak on the behalf of other 机构. 这适用于华人博彩论坛社区的所有成员.

华人博彩论坛 complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding the retention and release of personal and/or educational records of all current staff 和学生.

If an event attracts news media interest, press releases and statements to the news media will be routed through, approved and disseminated by the Office of Media 关系. Under no circumstances should information pertaining to a case that is in litigation be discussed publicly without prior approval of the University Executive Leadership 为总统办公室服务的团队.

所有的媒体和采访询问,无论是内部的还是外部的,都应该通过 newsroomFREESXU, and the Media 关系 team will direct you to the appropriate personnel for your 调查. 

华人博彩论坛 is an open campus for visitors; however, access to campus facilities for media requires prior approval from the Office of Media 关系 or 田径运动的体育信息主管. 这包括:校园建筑, athletic facilities, residence halls and other buildings or properties on campus or 属于华人博彩论坛.

News media representatives do 不 need permission to be on public streets adjacent 去华人博彩论坛. 但是,如果他们未经事先批准就进入校园, 可以联系公安部门,也可以要求华人博彩论坛媒体代表 离开.

Still or video images of campus features may 不 be used for commercial or promotional purposes outside of scheduled news coverage without approval from the Office of Media 关系. 所有华人博彩论坛媒体摄影和录像只允许在校园内进行 如果有一名媒体关系人员陪同.

Under no circumstances is video or photography allowed in McDonough Chapel Mother 仁慈. 任何有兴趣拍摄视频或照片的华人博彩论坛媒体代表 of the Chapel can do so only if permitted by the Director of Mission and Mercy Heritage 当礼拜仪式或宗教仪式没有进行时.

News or press conferences should be scheduled and announced only through the Office 与特别活动办公室共同负责媒体关系.  

In the event of an emergency, the University’s Public Safety will issue and send alerts 通过Rave紧急通知系统. 在最初的沟通之后 messages, the Associate Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Communication in conjunction with the Manager of Media 关系 will work members of the Emergency Response Team to gather information and coordinate distribution to University faculty, 员工、学生和当地社区.

  • Prepare and issue official statements regarding University operations to the media;
  • 撰写和分发电子邮件通知给大学社区;
  • Work with web team to provide emergency updates on the SXU website and social media 平台(脸谱网、推特和Instagram).

In the event of a major crisis on- or off-campus, it is essential that accurate information 分发,并将所有询问发送到适当的来源. 优先级 will be on maintaining timely and open communications with the media, providing complete and accurate information that has been confirmed about the emergency situation and 大学对眼前危机的反应.

在校园紧急情况下,教职员工和学生保留权利 to speak with or participate in media coverage during or following a campus emergency. The media has access only to the public areas, which are identified as parking lots 1号,7号,10号,11号和迪顿纪念球场. 任何情况下 feel a reporter has abused their rights should be reported to the Office of Media 关系.

A communication information center may also be established, if a high volume of incoming 电话会议.

有关大学关系紧急协议的更多信息,请访问 在线.